The Invincible Will Of The People
The invincible will of the people
“Incredible !” “Unbelievable!” “Is it a dream?” It was all we heard on the 14th of January. We all went out in the streets which were full of citizens; those who were one day before crying and burrying their martyrs are now celebrating this miracle. Not only Tunisians but also many Arabs are sharing with the excitement. They are proud of the giant will of the people who were able to break so strong a system, the oppressive system of the ex-president;
What a shame! He thought he were a genius but he turned out a disaster. His inhuman attitudes and practices made people suffer so much. Now,he’s gone with no return,we hope, because people won’t keep quiet anymore. They have decided to enjoy their rights and be free.
Yesterday, he asked all Tunisians to forgive – in a shameful speech – but alas! It’s too late to apologize.
Unfortunately our happiness didn’t last since his melitia spread to oppress and scare innocent people. It was really a nightmare.
Khansa Aafi
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