The Tunisian Revolution in The Eyes of Teenagers

The Tunisian Revolution in The Eyes of Teenagers

The Causes of the Emminent Revolution


The Causes Of The Emminent Revolution

January 14, 2011, in Tunisia, Ben Ali the thief fled to Saudi Arabia, taking with him his family and treasures.

This is the first step in a democratic and social revolution, the first the Arab world ever known

This revolution was born from the Tunisian public resentment against President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali (75 years) after 23 years of unchallenged power and despite the support of Arab and Western embassies, who saw in him bulwark against a very hypothetical threat of Islamism.

Urban youth, who received a significant level of education, both men and women, and who have formed close ties with the European shore of the Mediterranean, are tired of police oppression.

Social injustices are exacerbated and exposed by the global economic crisis. In this sense, the current revolution appears to be the first consequence of geopolitical crisis sub prime in 2008.

The spark that triggered the Revolution was a young peddler of Sidi Bouzid, Mohamed Bouazizi (26 years). This graduate reduced to odd jobs himself on fire December 17, 2010, before the governorate of his city, after a policeman had seized his cart.

The people, indignant, flows into the street. The contagion spread to other cities before reaching the capital, Tunis. The young demonstrators circumvent censorship through the use of Internet. Instructions and notices of events are sent by Facebook. It is a world first in terms of revolution.

Police repression caused dozens of deaths without arriving to restore order. Sought to involve the military, Chief of Staff Ammar Rashid refuses. The army took advantage of the demonstrators.


Ben Ali understands that he has no cards in hand ... It tookthe Tunisian people a few weeks to overthrow him. The harder to do now is to build a modern democracy in a depressed economic climate.

The Tunisian example can exacerbate political tensions in the Arab world but no country met the conditions also conducive to the emergence of democracy: highly educated, strong commitment to secularism and virtual absence of the Islamist movement .

                                                     Nada Swayah




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